Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Veggie Wedgie Wednesday

Well....I'm trying really hard to serve vegtables to my family!  It's hard at times, but I'm thinking I should stalk up on RAW veggie recipes to make my life simpler.

Today I'm shooting for

 Quick Salad by THE BEST OF RAW FOOD

1/2 head of white cabbage, shredded
1 carrot, shredded
1 avocado, pitted
Juice of 1/2 lemon
1 tsp of whole grain mustard
few tbsp of pure water

Mix the cabbage and carrot together in a large bow. Mix the avocado, mustard, and lemon juice with a fork until smooth (you may use a blender if you like). Add water if necessary. It should have the consistency of mayonnaise. Pour the dressing over the salad and toss.

Tip: you can prepare the cabbage and carrot in large quantities and save in the refrigerator for few days. Then you'll always have some ready for a quick salad. To prepare, you then only have to add the dressing.

Now Lucas is not going to be open to this salad- but I'm going to have to give him the option of eating either the cabbage or the carrots raw with out the salad dressing.

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