Friday, May 28, 2010

Thank you Aunt Nicole

Well since I've been dealing with my breast cancer my sister-in-law has made us dinner 3 times! Everything she has made and brought over we ate all it! Lucas who is super fussy even that's impressive.

This last time she made up spaghetti and meatballs with her home made sauce. The salad was great as well :) We are very lucky to have such great family to help us out. Nicole and my brother have done a lot with helping us out.

It's very hard to get a picture of Nicole without a couple of kids hanging around. My brother and Nicole have 4 great kids with one on the way- and yeah she runs over to my house with food and one time she even made the whole meal in my tiny kitchen!

Here is Nicole with Joey and baby Sam. Those 2 our my godsons and I love them. This picture was taken on Joey's First Holy Communion.

It's so great that my brother and Nicole have decided to raise their children Catholic. Religion has been such a big part of my life and I can't imagine Lucas going through life with out his faith in God. All children need to have faith in God; He can be there for them when we can't. My brother's children are always loud, laughing and cracking jokes.

Here's Joey in his white suite

What a nice Catholic big brother!

Ok- He's still a silly boy

Through my whole cancer experience I met some wonderful people who prayed for me and I know made a difference in my cancer journey. They were not Catholics- they were from other churches and they were so wonderful to take me in and pray for me. I know I speak a lot of being Catholic and that is because I was raised Catholic and I feel God that way. But I have a tremendous amount of respect and love for other religions. I hope to celebrate with some of my new friends one day at their church. I will never forget what they did for me.

I am happy my Joey is on his way to being a religious monster ;)
Joe and Nicole - YOU DID GOOD!

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