Thursday, May 5, 2011

Today is Our National Day of Prayer

I pray everyday- so what is there to do on a day like today?

Well I'm going to make it a point to discuss prayer with Lucas today.  I know I told him to say a prayer this morning before his test, but now I'm going to make sure tonight I remind him to say a prayer of thanks.  I actually think I will pray with him before bed. 

There is a prayer gather this evening in our community at 7:30 it is being held at the
Sports Complex on Airport Road- you need to bring your own chair.   

If you are looking for a new prayer here is one:


This picture of Our Lady of Mount Carmel above commemorates a famous event in Church history. She is shown here as she appeared in a vision to St. Simon Stock, General of the Carmelite Order (at right) on July 16, 1251 at Aylesford, England.

After giving St. Simon a scapular, she promised him and all the Carmelites that whoever died wearing that religious garment would be saved and would not suffer eternal fire. The prayer to our Lady of Mount Carmel below calls the scapular “thy venerable livery.”

O all-blessed, immaculate Virgin, ornament and glory of Mount Carmel, thou who dost look with most gracious countenance on those who have been clothed with thy venerable livery, look kindly also on me and take me under the mantle of thy maternal protection. Strengthen my weakness with thy might; enlighten the darkness of my heart with thy wisdom; increase in me faith, hope and charity. So adorn my souls with graces and virtues that it may always be dear to thy divine Son and thee. Assist me during life, comfort me in death with thy most sweet presence, and present me as thy child and faithful servant to the most Holy Trinity, that I may be enabled to praise and extol thee in heaven forever. Amen.

(This prayer is followed by the Hail Mary (3 times) and the Glory Be.)

This is the scapular I was given by a sweet lady I'd never met (she had given it to my mom to give me).  I keep mine by my bed and at times when I need it I wear it.  I wore it a lot when I was going through surgeries and treatment.

It was nice gift to receive at the time of great unknown and fear.  You can purchase this one at The Catholic Shop in Johnson City.  

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