Monday, May 18, 2009

Eating Mindfully- Turns out I'm a CHRONIC DIETER!

This is the one of my favorite parts of my father-in-laws old truck!

I attended a Spring Eating class with Jackie-
Jackie is a Holistic Health Counselor who works with individuals to create a more balanced life. She is a National Health Counselor who specializes in women experiencing digestive issues, and emotional eating habits. She works with clients in a 6 month program designed to address not only the foods you eat but your lifestyle choices as well. No diet works for everyone, and with this in mind she will give you a Personalized program that will improve your health and happiness. Together we will explore concerns specific to you and your body, and discover tools you will need for a life time of mind/body balance.
Jackie introduced us to Ayurveda.

Did you know?

Certain foods cool the us, while some foods warm us. Like in the winter a good beef stew appeals to us and in the summer we crave salads and fruits. The animals around us do this, but us humans have gotten to the point where we can eat almost anything at any time. We didn't start out that way; we used to eat what was in season. That's when we used to eat to fuel our body, not because we were stressed or depressed. Now we eat for celebrations as well as stress, sadness, depression and so on.
Jackie gave us a quiz to get an idea of what Dosha we are and then explained how that influences what we should eat. Here is Jackie's website:

I realize the mind has a lot to do with the functioning of the body. Maybe 12 years ago I had a manicurist who had cancer. She spoke to me a lot about how she dealt with her cancer using her mind and prayer. She also had strong beliefs concerning doctors and how you need to be completely happy with your doctor and settle for nothing less. I learned a lot from her. She told me a story about going into surgery one time. As always her doctor would pray with her before surgery and then she would ask her doctor if there was anything she could for him during the surgery. The doctor proceeded to tell her exactly where he would be working and that the least amount of blood gathering there the better. So Toni did her meditating and visualizing. After the surgery Toni's doctor said to her, "I don't know how you did it but there was only enough blood to fill a thimble." Toni eventually lost her battle, but I think she taught a couple doctors a few things.

Thinking of all this stuff reminds me how much I love Bernie Siegel!
Check him out- If you are battling sickness he is a great inspirational resource.
Bernie Siegel MD
All this stuff ended up playing a huge part in my next book choice:
Mindfully Eating- This book is good so far. I could do without the Buddha stuff, but it is really an interesting book.
WOW it even has an exercise to practice Eating Mindfully. So much opens your eyes to our MAJOR EATING ISSUES.
I also figure my issue classifies me as a CHRONIC DIETER! BIG SURPRISE

This is a book I do make notes in! I definitely have food issues.

Weight Watcher update!

I am up 2lbs from when I started. Up Down Up Down. YIKES

I am going for blood work tomorrow. Testing for Celiac Disease, Thyroid, and hormones.

If nothing comes out of this I will proceed with getting a diagnosis for IBS from a specialist. I do not want to continue on my medication. I still feel the pain, but I can live with it. I just don't want to forget that there is something wrong with me. The medication is only treating my symptoms and I want to fix what is wrong.

Rob finally said it out loud- "Sometimes you do look like you are pregnant"
It is nice to be able to talk about it. I'd rather him have a conversation, than just smooth things over.

So I finally said this out loud- "I will have to exercise everyday for the rest of my life" Ewww

My mom has agreed to go to the Y with me. We had our 1st appointment to learn the equipment! It was good.
Here is my father-in-law's baby

Our weekend was relaxing and fun. The FIREHOUSE had a chicken BBQ and car/truck show. Yummmmm

Lucas has me take pictures of things like this

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