Thursday, April 16, 2009

Weight Watchers

3rd Meeting tonight! I'm so scared. The last meeting (Saturday- b/c my usual meeting was canceled) was up .2. I really hope I didn't gain weight with the holiday. Lucas is out of school all week so it's busy, plus there is left over food and desserts everywhere.

I am back to counting points after taking the holiday off- and I know "Fat don't take holidays" but I did.
Saturday's meeting went well, very nice group. They actually have a man in the group he was in make-up and nail polish, but still. We each got an Easter egg with a message in it. Mine said "Every smart food choice starts in the mind not the mouth".
I did copy down this recipe b/c it was for the crockpot.

Sour Cream Salsa Chicken
4 skinless chicken breasts
1 packet of taco seasoning
16 oz salsa
1/4 cup light sour cream
Spray crockpot with Pam
Add Chicken
Sprinkle with taco seasoning
on top add salsa
Cook 6-8 hours Low
Ready to eat:
Remove chicken
Top with the sour cream
Sounds easy enough

Tonight Lucas is staying my parents for a sleep over with cousins so I will finally finish organizing my jewelry. Wow haven't done this in probably 2 years and now I remember why. It takes forever. This is what I do over going on my treadmill.

I really need to tell myself that the treadmill has to come 1st, but I always feel guilty doing it. How crazy is that? Tonight I will do both.

From Kacy Duke
I Am
You are more than a pair of thighs. You are more than a belly. You are a heart and a mind and a spirit. These are not separate entities that can be “fixed” the way you would tune up a car’s engine or change its tires. Nor is your mind an isolated command center for your body. Your thoughts and feelings affect your body. They affect your movement and your hunger. Likewise, how you eat and move affects how you feel and think. You are one, beautiful, complete entity.

Here I am strutting my STUFF. LOL

Maybe one day.


1 comment:

Sista B said...

Hope your meeting went well. Keep up the good work. I gained 8 pounds in one week - hopefully it is just a lot of water weight from eating salty foods on vacation. I think tonight I will tell Jason to please... just hide the Easter candy. I promised myself I would jog tonight and tomorrow while it is nice out.