I kinda just popped in on my hairdresser so she was thrown for a loop and managed to just get me a trim. I'm suppose to go back for some hi-lights.
Yesterday and today were tough. Waiting is so hard. Another thing that is hard- prayer. Sometimes I am in such pain and praying, but feel like if I have true belief I would be stronger. I ended up calling my priest and he was so good to me and made me feel better. What I'm going through is a journey in my faith. I have to give myself time.
My family has been great and helped me a lot as well. I was finally able to break down and cry and get a little mad.
Patience is so important. I am learning to train my brain to not go to places it need not go. Waiting is hard because you feel like you are living in libo but I need to get over it.
Tonight I need to go on my treadmill and get moving and exercising more.
It's Lucas' open house tonight at school- I'm excited to see all his teachers.
DIY Spring Flower Lanterns
DIY Spring Flower Lanterns. Welcome spring by creating DIY spring flower
lanterns with dried flowers, Mod Podge, and glowing candles!
The post DIY Spring...
4 days ago
I hope and pray for you that you will find each day a little easier and a little brighter.
"God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way."
That's a pretty good quote that I like in addition to the Serenity Prayer. They always help me when things are tough.
Enjoy the weekend. Love you, B
Thanks Becky- Love that quote
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