Saturday, January 21, 2012

The Sun of God

So I had a very interesting Sunday morning last Sunday.  I haven't posted too much on God lately, but I have to share this.  At our church things have changed and at times change is hard and sometimes I feel a bit confused/lost.

Well when I was dealing with my cancer and treatment I had a lot of time to pray and I had some really happy moments- blessings.  I actually believe God was with me and signs would pop up every so often.  When I first found out I had cancer I would go to healing mass and I would see people who I know where in tune to God.......I thought to myself  "Why can't I see/feel what they see/feel?"  So I read the bible and scriptures I was given at mass and when I felt like I would never get IT, I called my pastor and he told me to stick with it-  so I did.

Eventually I felt peace within me REAL peace!  I became so in love with seeing the my cancer stuff all started around October so you wouldn't think of sunny days, but there were.  I remember a few times crying/praying in my car and then this bolt of sun would appear and I would feel great peace.  I knew it was God, but I never shared that with Rob.  Sometimes it's hard to share things like that because it's hard to believe unless you've felt it yourself.  So I kept it to myself.

Well Sunday morning Rob couldn't sleep so he got up and went to mass at 7:30 in the morning.  We had one of our coldest nights.  Rob came home and he told me something weird happened on his way home from church.  He was thinking about a story my father had told him about church and then the sun came beaming out and it was so bright he couldn't see anything and he thinks he felt something.  He thought it was God- speaking to him.  When he came to me with this story I was so happy.  We sat on our bed and I told him how that had happened to me a few times while driving in my car on days when I would drive with no radio just prayers and tears.  We then discussed what it maybe meant- what was God's message to us.

We came up with this:
God is always with us no matter hard our struggle becomes down here.          

Call to him and he will come.............

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